Top 10 Things to Know About Your SFPP Pension
- Your pension is fully guaranteed – for life!
- Your eligible spouse will also receive a guaranteed pension benefit in the event of your death.
- When you retire you will receive a set pension amount every month of your life, with adjustments for inflation when available.
- Your defined benefit pension is NOT subject to market fluctuations; unlike a defined contribution plan or RRSP mutual funds, which come with no guarantees
- Your pension is based on a formula that includes your average salary over your five highest consecutive years and the number of years you have contributed to the Plan (your pensionable service).
- Your pension is NOT based on how much you or your employers contribute to the plan.
- If you withdraw a lump sum instead of a pension, it is based on what your pension is worth. It is NOT based on how much you contributed.
- SFPP pensions are funded partly through payroll contributions made by you and your employer, but mostly through investment returns on a healthy $4-billion pension fund.
- You can use the pension estimator to plan your retirement options years in advance.
- Your pension offers choices for early retirement, and a bridge benefit is paid to top up your pension until you turn 65.