Working Part-Time

If you are already a member of SFPP with full-time employment, and you later change to part-time employment, you stay in SFPP as long as you are a police officer with an SFPP employer.

Let’s say you start as a police officer on January 1, 2018, working full-time. You join SFPP immediately. On October 1, 2019, you start working part-time. While you have been a member for less than two years, and maybe your earnings are lower than the 35% of the maximum CPP earnings, you will stay a member of SFPP. You will continue to contribute and earn service in the Plan.

If you are not yet a member of SFPP, find out about how you join the Plan.

Find out how working part-time affects your SFPP benefit.

What happens if you become part-time later?
Once you join SFPP, you stay in SFPP as long as you are a police officer with an SFPP employer.

What will be your pension benefit?
Your SFPP benefit is still based on your pensionable salary and pensionable service, same as a full-time member, but with the following adjustments:

  • When we calculate your benefit, we annualize your earnings.
  • Your pensionable service for that year will be calculated as a proportion of what a full-time member would earn.

If you recently joined SFPP, that can mean it will take longer for you to be eligible for a future pension. Because you need five years of pensionable service to be eligible to receive a pension, this will take longer to reach if you are part-time.

SFPP allows you to retire if you have at least 25 years of pensionable service. Being part-time will mean it takes longer to get to 25 years of service. You can still retire at age 55, even if you don’t have 25 years of pensionable service.

If you are working part-time, can you purchase the difference to earn full-time service?
Unfortunately not. SFPP members are not able to earn or purchase pensionable service above the hours for which they are employed to work.