Pension Appeal Process

The SFPP Corporation Board of Directors has established a process for resolving disputes involving members and other persons entitled to benefits under the Plan.

Matters that can be appealed

Alberta Pensions Services Corporation (APS) is the benefit administrator for the Special Forces Pension Plan (the Plan). If a member of the Plan or any other person entitled to a benefit under the Plan disagrees with an administrative decision by APS, the individual is encouraged to request an explanation from APS.

Appeal Decision to Corporate Board

If the individual is not satisfied with the explanation and wishes to pursue it further, the next step is to request an administrative review from APS within 60 days of being informed of the administrative decision.

To request an administrative review by APS, write a letter to:
Client Service Advocate
c/o Alberta Pensions Services Corporation
5103 Windermere Boulevard SW
Edmonton, AB T6W 0S9

Or contact APS through Secure Messages.

In an administrative review, APS will examine the individual’s complaint in detail. If, after the administrative review, the individual is not satisfied with APS’ decision, the individual can appeal the decision to the SFPP Corporation Board of Directors.

Appeal to the SFPP Corporation Board of Directors

A request for an appeal must be in writing and must be received within 60 days of the administrative review decision. A Notice of Appeal form is provided on the SFPP website. The appeal request should include the facts of the situation, the Appellant’s position on the matter, and the remedy sought.

To request an appeal to the SFPP Corporate Board, send the appeal form to:
SFPP Corporate Board
2000 College Plaza
8215 – 112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 2C8

The appeal case is assigned to a Review Coordinator at SFPP Corporation, who will take the following steps to gather information on the case:

  1. APS will be asked to provide a submission of the details of the appeal case within 30 days.

  2. The APS submission will be provided to the Appellant, who may respond within 30 days of receiving APS’ submission with any further written representations.

  3. The Appellant’s response is provided to APS. APS is then permitted one further and final submission due within 30 days of receiving the Appellant’s additional representations.

The Review Coordinator will compile the Written Record, which comprises the entire case. At any point during the appeal process, the Review Coordinator may encourage the Appellant and APS to settle any differences concerning the administrative decision under review to conclude the Appeal.

The SFPP Corporation CEO will review the Written Record and make a recommendation on proceeding to an appeal hearing.

Board Decision to Proceed to a Hearing

If the CEO’s recommendation is not to proceed to an appeal hearing, the Board will review the Written Record and make a determination on proceeding to a hearing. An appeal will not proceed to a hearing if the Written Record does not warrant an appeal because it:

  1. constitutes abuse or misuse of the Appeal Policy, or

  2. has no reasonable prospect of success.

Hearing Appeal Panel

If an appeal is to proceed to a hearing, a hearing panel consisting of 3 Board Directors, including the Board Chair or Vice-Chair, will be convened. If the parties agree, the Hearing Panel may consider a matter without holding an oral hearing based solely on the Written Record. An oral hearing may be held in person or by video-conference. The Appellant may bring legal counsel or other representation, and the parties will have the opportunity for oral submissions, cross-examination, and rebuttals.

Decision of the Panel

After the hearing panel has made its decision, the Review Coordinator will, within 30 days of the decision, send a copy of the hearing panel’s written decision, including the reasons for its decision, to the Appellant and to APS.